Oh, Eun-Mi




M.S. Candidate

Flight Dynamics and Control Laboratory

Unmanned System Research Group

Division of Aerospace Engineering

School of Mechanical Aerospace & Systems Engineering

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Office: #4113, Eureka Bldg. (N27)

E-mail : mystepbystep@kaist.ac.kr

Tel: +82-42-350-5764

Fax: +82-42-350-3710






Mar.2002. - Feb.2005.

Mar.2005. - Feb.2010.

Feb.2010. -        



Jinju Jeil High School, Jinju

B.S., Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, Pusan National Univesity, Pusan

M.S., Division of Aerospace Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon



Work Experiences


Feb.2010 -



Research Assistant, Division of Aerospace Engineering, KAIST, with Prof. David Hyun-chul Shim



Research Topics


- A Study on Aeroelastic Analysis Technique for Aircraft with High Aspect Ratio Flexible Wing